Instruments Acoustic Pianos

Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners

used piano

Are you considering purchasing a used piano because you’re a beginner pianist?

Many people who are just starting to learn the piano or are beginner pianists are looking for a used piano instead of an expensive piano.

When I first started learning to play the piano when I was young, I started practicing on a used piano that my parents bought.

If you don’t need an expensive new piano because I’m currently practicing beginner level easy piano songs, you can save money by purchasing a used piano. Also, if you like antique decorations or the soft atmosphere of wood, you can create an interior effect with a used piano.

Also, the biggest advantage of the piano as an instrument is that it can play almost any style of music and helps to heal the mind.

These days, many people are taking up an interesting hobby by uploading their own piano music to YouTube

If so, below we will learn about how to buy a used piano for beginners, questions to ask when purchasing a used piano, advantages and disadvantages of used pianos, prices, etc.

Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners

used piano
used piano

What is a used piano?

First, as you probably all know, let’s find out what a used piano is. A used piano is one that is not new but has previously been used by another owner. These pianos can be in various condition and age, and their prices can vary.

Is it a good idea to buy a used piano?

Buying a used piano can generally be a good idea. Choosing a used piano can be appealing for several reasons. Below, we will learn about the advantages of used pianos that you may not have known about.

First, used pianos can be purchased at a lower price than new pianos. Because a piano is an instrument that can be used for a relatively long time, a used piano may be a more economical choice than a new piano.

Second, used pianos often have already undergone the “breaking-in” process. New pianos may undergo slight changes in key touch and action mechanism during the first few years of use, whereas a used piano may have already undergone these changes.

Third, used pianos can provide an opportunity to acquire high-quality brands and models at a more affordable price. While it might be difficult to afford a high-quality model when buying new, the used market might offer the same brand and model at a more accessible price point.

However, there are several things to consider when purchasing a used piano. Next, let’s look at 10 tips you should know before purchasing a used piano.


10 Tips for Buying a Quality Used Piano

 1. Check Piano Pedals

Before purchasing a used piano, you should test the pedals to ensure they are working properly. There are three piano pedals in total. Press the right pedal to see if the volume increases. Also, press the center pedal to see if the volume decreases, and press the left pedal to see if you feel the piano volume decrease somewhat.

2. Check Piano kyes

You should check if your piano keys are cracked, discolored, or missing. When checking the piano keyboard, try pressing each of the 88 keys one by one to see if any of the keys are broken. If the piano keys seem to be broken, purchase another piano as the total cost may be more than purchasing a new piano.

3. Check Piano Hammers

The piano hammer is the part that strikes the strings when playing notes. If you open the piano lid, you can check the hammer and see if there is anything wrong with the hammer. If the hammer breaks down, repairs are expensive, so make sure the hammer is in good working order.

4. Check Pin Blocks

Pin blocks are pieces of wood that make tuning pins. You should make sure that the pin block is in good condition, as a defective pin block will prevent the piano from being properly tuned. If the pin block is found to be damaged, you may be charged up to $2,000, so if the pin block is defective, it is recommended that you purchase another piano.

5. Check Sound Board

A soundboard is a component that produces sound by vibrating on a soundboard. The soundboard acts as an amplifier, amplifying the sound produced by the vibrating strings and producing sounds across multiple frequencies. An upright piano has its soundboard behind the piano, while a grand piano has its soundboard underneath the metal plate and strings. It is a good idea to inspect the soundboard visually or by feeling it for scratches or cracks.

6. Check Piano Strings

Piano strings affect sound quality. Therefore, you should open the piano lid and check for any broken or missing strings. The strings are partially made of metal and can corrode, so be sure to check for rusty parts.

7. Check the piano

Take a close look at the piano’s exterior condition. The condition of the piano, including scratches, damage, and rust, is important. Additionally, the color and finish of the piano’s exterior are also factors to consider.

8. Check sound condition

Piano sound is an important factor in determining the tone and sound quality of a piano. You should check to see if there are any specific keys that make strange sounds or changes in timbre.

9. Coordination and Coordination

Before purchasing a used piano, check its tuning and adjustments. Make sure your piano’s pitch and pitch are adjusted correctly, and if necessary, ask a professional to tune and adjust it.

10. Check Keyboard key movement

When testing piano keys, you must test the movement of the keys, not just the appearance. Make sure that the piano keys are pressed evenly when you press them.

So, in addition to the considerations above, let’s look at some essential questions to ask when you go to buy a used piano yourself.


9 Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Piano

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 1. “How old is this piano?”

This is an essential question to ask when purchasing a used piano. The age of the piano is the most important thing to consider when purchasing a used piano. If the piano you’re buying is 10 to 15 years old but hasn’t been used very often, it could be a good deal. If the model is similar but has been used a lot in academies, schools, etc., it would be a good idea to consider purchasing one.

2. “Is the piano moved often?”

When purchasing a used piano, it is a good idea to check whether the piano has been moved frequently. This is because damage may occur if the piano is moved frequently. It’s also a good idea to ask how the piano was transported.

3. “Has there been any restoration work on the piano?”

If your piano has been damaged in the past, you may have had piano restoration work done. Therefore, it is best to first ask whether the piano has had any restoration work done.

4. “Why are you selling this piano?”

Asking why you are selling this piano is a very important question. This question will tell you about the health of the piano you are purchasing. If you ask this question and the seller says, “I’m selling the piano because I simply no longer need it,” it’s a good idea to buy a piano. If the seller says he or she is selling the piano because he or she needs money, it is best not to purchase it. This is because there is a high possibility that the piano has not been properly maintained.

5. “Who was playing the piano?”

Who was playing the piano is also an important question. This is mainly because when young children play the piano, there is a high possibility that the keyboard will be damaged. Consider purchasing a piano that has previously been owned by a professional musician or an adult.

6. “Who tuned the piano?”

Pianos must be tuned by a professional tuner. However, it is possible that some pianos were tuned by low-cost repairmen rather than professional tuners. In this case, it is a good idea to ask who tuned the piano, as poor tuning can cause internal damage to the piano and affect its sound quality.

7. “Where did you store the piano?”

Another good question to ask is where the piano is stored. If your piano has been stored in a basement or a poorly ventilated warehouse, its quality may have deteriorated. Therefore, you must ask where the piano is stored.

8. “Have you followed your maintenance schedule?”

The piano is a musical instrument that requires regular tuning and maintenance. Failure to tune your piano will greatly affect its sound quality. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask this question to ensure that you have followed your piano maintenance schedule.

9. “How much does this piano cost?”

Even for pianos of the same product, the price varies greatly depending on the condition of the piano. Also, if you purchase the piano from an owner who owns it, you should also check the shipping costs as additional shipping costs may apply. Be sure to also check for any additional costs that may arise if your piano needs repairs.


How much should a beginner spend on a piano?

So, how much should a beginner spend on a piano?

The average price of a used piano can vary considerably depending on a variety of factors. Prices can vary greatly depending on the brand, model, age, condition, and location of the piano. But roughly speaking, when a beginner buys a used piano, they can find one in the range of about $1,000 to $3,000. This range includes a variety of options from inexpensive used pianos to mid-level pianos. However, you may need to purchase a piano at a higher price point to find a high-quality brand or model. In reality, the price of a piano can vary depending on the time of purchase, local market conditions, and the condition of the piano.


What is the best brand of a used piano?

There are many brands of used pianos, and which brand is best can depend on subjective factors. However, there are generally a few popular brands to consider when purchasing a piano.

  1. Steinway & Sons: Steinway & Sons is one of the world’s most famous piano brands, offering high-quality pianos. Their grand pianos have a particularly high reputation.
  2.  Yamaha: Yamaha is a well-known brand that offers pianos in a variety of price ranges and qualities. Their digital and acoustic pianos are popular with players of all skill levels, from beginners to experts.
  3. Kawai: Kawai is a Japanese piano brand, highly regarded for quality and performance. Their pianos boast luxurious sound quality and durability.
  4. Baldwin: Baldwin is a traditional American piano brand with a long history and reputation. Their pianos are highly regarded for their quality and tone.

Apart from these, other brands such as Bechstein, Bosendorfer, Mason & Hamlin, etc. are also popular in the piano market. When purchasing a used piano, it is important to carefully review the model and condition of each brand and choose one that suits your personal tastes and needs.


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When purchasing a used piano, what age is appropriate?

The appropriate age of a used piano may vary depending on the situation, but generally, a piano between 15 and 40 years old is considered appropriate. Used pianos within this period have generally been used long enough, but not too old, that they are more likely to be in good condition.

However, you should not judge a used piano based solely on its age. The piano’s condition, maintenance history, and frequency of use are all important factors. For example, a 30-year-old piano may still be in great condition if it receives regular maintenance and is well cared for. Therefore, when purchasing a used piano, you should consider not only its age but also its condition and maintenance history.

Additionally, the age of a used piano can also affect its price. Older pianos can be purchased for less, but maintenance and repair costs must be taken into account. Therefore, when purchasing a used piano, it is important to consider its age and evaluate its overall condition.


Can I buy a used piano and resell it at a similar price?

After purchasing a used piano, whether you can resell it for a similar price can depend on a variety of factors.

First, the condition and maintenance history of a piano greatly determine its resale potential. If your piano has been well maintained, cared for, and is in excellent condition, it has a better chance of being resold for a similar price. However, if the piano is damaged or poorly maintained, the price may drop.

Second, the brand and model of the piano are also important factors. Some brands and models often retain their value over time, while others may depreciate quickly.

Third, market conditions and demand also affect prices. The price at which you can resell a piano may vary depending on local piano market conditions and demand.

Finally, when reselling a piano, it is important to consider appropriate marketing and sales strategies. It takes effort to market your piano correctly and sell it at the right price.

Therefore, whether you can resell a used piano for a similar price after purchasing it may depend on a variety of factors and requires careful evaluation and judgment.


Frequently Asked Questions: Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners

Below are answers to common questions about the Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners.

How to buy a used piano for beginners? 

When buying a used piano as a beginner, start by researching different brands and models to understand your preferences. Inspect the piano carefully, considering its condition, age, and sound quality. It’s also helpful to have a piano technician or experienced pianist accompany you to evaluate the instrument.

How do I choose a good used piano? 

To choose a good used piano, consider factors such as brand reputation, age, condition, sound quality, and maintenance history. It’s also recommended to play the piano and have it inspected by a professional technician before making a purchase.

How do you inspect a used piano before buying?

Inspecting a used piano involves checking its overall condition, including the soundboard, strings, keys, pedals, and cabinet. Look for signs of damage, wear, or defects, and play the piano to assess its sound quality and responsiveness.

Why are second-hand pianos so cheap?

Second-hand pianos can be cheaper than new ones due to factors such as depreciation, age, condition, and changes in the market demand. Additionally, there may be a larger supply of used pianos available, leading to competitive pricing.

Is it OK to learn piano on a cheap keyboard? 

Yes, it’s okay to learn piano on a cheap keyboard, especially for beginners. While a keyboard may not replicate the feel and sound of an acoustic piano perfectly, it can still be a suitable tool for learning basic skills and practicing.

Should a beginner piano have 61 or 88 keys? 

For beginners, it’s generally recommended to choose a piano with 88 keys, as it provides a full range of notes and allows for more versatility in learning and playing various pieces.

Does a beginner need 88 keys?

While beginners can technically learn on a keyboard with fewer than 88 keys, having 88 keys offers a more comprehensive range for practice and development, allowing students to explore a wider range of music.

Should a beginner get a keyboard or digital piano?

Beginners can start with either a keyboard or digital piano, depending on their budget, space, and preferences. Digital pianos often offer more features and better sound quality, but keyboards are usually more affordable and portable.

Is it okay to buy a second-hand digital piano?

Yes, it’s generally okay to buy a second-hand digital piano, as long as it’s in good condition and meets your needs. Digital pianos can offer durability and consistency over time, making them a suitable option for used purchases.

How much does a beginner’s piano cost? 

The cost of a beginner’s piano can vary widely depending on factors such as brand, model, condition, and type (digital or acoustic). Beginners can expect to spend anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars on a suitable instrument.

Which piano is best for beginners on a low budget?

For beginners on a low budget, entry-level digital pianos or used acoustic pianos from reputable brands can be good options. These pianos offer decent quality and functionality at a more affordable price point.

What size piano is best for beginners? 

For beginners, a full-size piano with 88 keys is generally recommended, as it provides the full range of notes for learning and practicing piano repertoire. However, smaller keyboards or digital pianos with fewer keys can also be suitable for beginners, especially those with limited space or budget.

What is a good first piano? 

A good first piano for beginners is one that suits their needs, budget, and preferences. This could be an entry-level digital piano or a quality used acoustic piano from a reputable brand. It’s essential to prioritize factors such as sound quality, playability, and durability when choosing a first piano.


Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners – Summary

I hope you enjoyed reading today’s article on the Best Used Piano Buying Guide for Beginners.

In some cases, a used piano may be a better option than a new piano. We hope that you will be able to find and purchase a used piano in good condition among the used pianos on the market.

Because the piano is an expensive instrument, many people learn to play the piano for the first time by purchasing a used piano. Therefore, buying a used piano can be a good choice to save money and make reasonable purchases. You, too, can purchase a used piano that suits your budget and taste and start enjoying piano playing 🙂


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